
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Business Card Contest

Industrial design magazine Core 77, run periodical "One Hour Challenges" where they ask designers to submit ideas that they come up within an hour. I found this one which had some interesting responses: finding something useful you can do with some business cards. People always have them lying around their desks, why not put them to good use? For more entries and to see who did what click here.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What is Consciousness?

I just found an interesting survey online that is trying to figure out how people view their own consciousness. Not only are the graphics and interface really well designed but I am very interested to see the results. I wonder how geo-location will correlate with the opinions. Personally, I am a Pan Psychic Cognitivist, meaning I see my conscious as highlighted thoughts and psychic matter. If you're also interested in what the response is, take this survey and they'll email you the results...and you'll have fun playing with the site.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Brooklyn Bowl

Last night I went to Brooklyn Bowl. I had heard about it, and after living in the city for almost 3 years, I finally had the chance to check it out. It has a really cool retro Brooklyn feel to it, a great place to come with a group of friends, make a fool out of yourself bowling, listen to some live music, and eat fried chicken. The best part of it for me personally was all the cool typography they used on the posters and menu.

Poached Eggs with Salmon

Yet another delicious brunch meal prepared by chef extraordinaire Arturo. Why go out when you can wake up to this?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Paris vs. New York

I recently discovered this great blog called Paris Vs. New York, A Tally of Two Cities by graphic designer Vahram. The art itself is so clean and simple yet the message is very direct. I can personally closely relate to his comparisons having grown up between France and America myself. Above are some of the prints that I think are particularly clever. It's difficult to decide which city is better, but it's nice to see that someone is forming something artistic from the inevitable tally system that foreigners build when they migrate to a new city.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Powerade Work

This week some things I have been designing at Ammirati were published! A 2 page spread in USA Today and a 3 page gatefold spread in Sports Illustrated for Powerade. You can also see our new commercial here.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Art for Japan

It's time to make a post dedicated to Japan. My heart goes out to anyone affected by the disaster. Tragedy like this has inspired many artists to create tribute art and donate proceeds to Japan. There have been many graphic ways to use the Japanese flag, many are very simple but yet so powerful. Here are some of my favorites.

PHOTOS: 1 2 Jacob Cass 3 Zac Neulieb 4
5 Henry Moran

Limelight Marketplace

Walking around Chelsea I stumbled upon the Limelight Marketplace. It's a church turned nightclub turned marketplace. I don't know how I havent' heard about this before, but its adorable. A maze of cute boutiques, candy stores, bakeries and a bar, all complete with feel good music pumping in the background. I don't know if it was all the bright colors, the awesome jewelery, or the Choc Espresso cookie I tested, but I came out of there feeling great and I didn't even buy anything!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Last night Arthur took me to a Sake bar called Decibel in the East Village. Anyone that knows me knows that I usually really dislike sake, but he's managed to convert me with other foods, so I thought I'd give it a try. Sake WIN! I loved it. This place feels like little hole in the wall, its cozy and very Japanese looking. People have graffitied their names all over the walls and there is a great red glow that makes it all the more intimate. Highly recommended for a first date or any date for that matter.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cielito Querido Cafe

Here is an identity that I love. I'm a sucker for in your face typography and bright colors, and this place hit the nail right on the head. These photos are from a Mexican cafe called Cielito Querido Cafe, even their website looks great. I would buy coffee from this place every day, if only to admire their interiors!


Good morning! A dreary day in NYC was just brightened up thanks to the best boyfriend ever. He actually made me a packed breakfast while I was getting ready for work and I opened it at my desk to discover apple pancakes, freshly cut strawberries with maple syrup and some clementines. Why weren't packed lunches this exciting as a kid?