Reason number #120398 that I want an iPhone. These are some shots from an online exhibition called Pixels displaying only photos that were taken and manipulated on the iPhone. It's incredible that technology has brought us to a point where you can take such fantastic artistic shots with just a phone. Obviously I think that a lot of these shots use pre-made filters, but the results are impressive. The only thing I don't love about this revelation is that now anyone with a phone can be a "photographer", sadly I believe it dilutes the art a little bit. But let's be honest, once I finally get one, I'm gonna take full advantage of that camera too.
Photos posted by Knox and Atombee, not sure who the individual photographers are.
Photos posted by Knox and Atombee, not sure who the individual photographers are.
so basically you are saying you are not happy as everyone would be able to take pictures.
that is incredibly arrogant, do you consider yourself a better person? or no wait you consider yourself an "artist" do you?
Actually yes I do consider myself an artist and can therefore recognize why a one touch filter on a telephone would discredit photographers and photo re-touchers alike who have invested more time and money into their craft than an unlimited AT&T data plan. Maybe you should read through my post a little more carefully next time and leave the creative critical analysis to someone who actually knows what they are talking about.
so people need to invest "time and money into their craft" to be deemed worthy enough to be considered a photographer then. being an artist depends on the money you have. and you are not an artist if its just that unlimited AT&T contract that help you create.....have you ever listened to yourself????
...its not to you to judge who is an artist, or to anyone else for that matter.
First things first...
Let's start with compartmentalizing your run-on sentences into coherent thoughts.
What are you asking again...if people need to spend time & resources to become an artist? You damn right they do. A good artist anyways.
Clearly you come from the "Look Ma, I just took a shit in my pants, and I am awesome" school of art evaluation.
let me re-iterate, its not up to you to judge who may or may not be an artist / photographer
funny how you first say you need "time and money" and later change it to "time and resources"..... :-)
why would you judge people on the basis that they take nice pictures using pre-made filters? that sounds like some unbearable elitist non-sense i could not let uncommented.
It is absolutely up to me to judge and I'd love to hear an argument to the contrary.
Ok, you do understand that there are multiple people conversing here. This should address your second bemusement.
"why would you judge people on the basis that they take nice pictures using pre-made filters?"
Why wouldn't I or anyone else for that matter.
for a short answer; because it is insulting to judge people because of that. it is also insulting to judge people for their race, religion, gender, social background. etc. and i do not see a relevant difference between the one or the other examples.
so yes i guess it is up to you, but i find it wrong and insulting and someone decent should know better.
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